
About Us

We are the Goolsby's. I'll help you with it. The Gools sounds just like cools - and we are indeed cool. The b-y at the end  sounds just like the letter "B". When people say it, they usually pronounce it gooz bee, but hey, that's fine with us. As you can see, we just go with it.

That's me with my little lady, and wife Jennifer.

 I call her "Bay" more than anything. She calls me "Bay" more than Michael, so at any time you may walk into our house to the sound of a bunch of Bay birds... Bay- Bay-... Bayy.Bay!!
We met when we both were in college. Well, she was in college, but I knew about college. I mean I really, really, really knew about college. More years than most, but that's another post.

We dated for 5 fun years, LONG DISTANCE!!. She lived in the N.O (New Orleans) and I was working like a sweat hog in sunny Hotlanta.

Long story short, she graduated. I didn't...yet. Packed her bags, and moved to the cold Chicago midwest to work with drugs, and an abacus. My once 6 hour car ride, drunk off Red Bull and Snickers, turned into me taking a 12 hour car ride, or forking out much mulah to fly with the eagles.

I told her I had had enough of this long distance stuff, and we needed to get hitched! I promise it was much more romantic than that. You can ask her about it. It was actually very movie-like.

So we got hitched!

I moved to Chicago with my Bay Bay, and of course we had a plan. A 5 year plan at that. No kids. Just us. Newlyweddin'. We were going to live in the city for a while- travel- enjoy long walks on the beach after romantic candle lit dinners. Violinist and everything. And we did...for about....7 months. 

Enter stage right, Harrison David (a.k.a. H.D., a.k.a. Son, a.k.a. "Stooooppp!!") 
H.D. was in the oven before we even got our wedding album back.


But we wouldn't trade him for any 5 year plan. And hey, Jenn and I still get to take those walks. They're not usually long, and more times than any, they're not on a beach. We usually have to take an extra pair of 3T pants, Buzz LightYear undies, and a juice box. And those romantic candle lit dinners? We have them. When GrandMa and PaPa are free. 

But we love him. How could you not??

So that's us in a nutshell. Not a whole lotta glitz and glam, but it's us. Hopefully you'll laugh more than  anything looking into our not so famous lives. So dig in!!     Wait!! Wait! Wait!!

How could I forget about Serge?! He's our 14# ShihTzu with a Chinese heritage, that I picked him up from an Atlanta breeder as a gift to Jennifer when she was in school. Better than flowers hunh??

Serge may be at the bottom of this page, but trust me, he gets the good life.

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