
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Compost Journey Begins

To compost, or not to compost. That is the question.

We have been toying around with this question of composting for ohhhhh... maybe 3 days now. And after finding a compost bin at our local Home Depot for 7 bucks!! (yellow sticker last item price), answering this question became very simple.
Let's do it!!

We simply looked at all the benefits of composting:
  1. Creating rich organic soil for mulching and potting plants
  2. Recycling greens, and other food scraps
  3. Recycling yard waste
  4. Cutting down the quantity of garbage to landfills
There are other reasons to compost not listed here, and not to mention all of the learning, and fun playing with worms and bugs Harrison can have.

Check out the pics of our new bin and stay tuned for how we get things started!!

Do you compost? Share your advice!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tackling Our Landscaping

We purchased our home in the fall of 2011, and one of the first things we fell in love with was our new, once well mantained landscaping. HUGE trees, bushes, shrubs, hostas, more HUGE trees, thick grass, ivy, and even more HUGE trees. Arrghhh!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Embracing The Artist in Your Child

We will admit it. Our sporadic cleaning frenzies on the weekends leave us at times making rash, and what could sometimes be considered cruel decisions.  Those decisions often involve two things:
1. A very shiny trash can
2. Our child's very colorful school work.

We know. What a disheartening thing to do to a child right? But come on. Does every piece of crinkled construction or tissue paper, plastered in water colors and Crayola markings belong on the fridge??
 I mean, we do keep some!!