
Thursday, April 19, 2012

I thought people go South for Spring Break

The weather in Chicago has been amazing. Ok. I need to step into the confession booth for a minute. We don't actually live in Chicago. We don't even live that close to Chicago. It's kinda funny because when we randomly meet people when we're out and about, and they're all "Oh, where you guys from?" And we're all "Chicago." And they're all "Oh for real? I'm from Chicago. Where in Chicago are you from?" It's then that we have to explain. Our explanation most of the time is followed by the person hysterically laughing and reminding us..."Y'all aint from Chicago!" So yes, we aint from Chicago. There. 
We're actually about 45 minutes north in a town that is known for a number of things. None which I care to share right now. Most people I graduated from high school with all call it Wack-Town. But other people call it Waukegan.
So back to my point about the weather. The weather in Waukegan these past few weeks have been crazy scary warm. We've reached close to 80 degrees like in the first week of spring. Almost unheard of really. So people have completely taken to it. Dropping their tops. The ladies have their toes out. The guys are gettin it in on the back 9. It's lovely. So you think we took advantage of the sweltering heat here in Waukegan for spring break? Of course we didn't! My wife made plans to go further north where it was at least 20 degrees colder in Wisconsin. But, she's too cute to argue with. Sometimes. 

 So we headed north to an indoor water park resort. 

No. Serge couldn't go this time.

A smooth ride when Harrison is satisfied.

The Wisc Dells is a place I have never conquered. Our passenger photographer (Jenn) had no idea how to take pictures on the go.

More blurrage.

 So after a few tries, we just decided to pull the car completely over so Jenn could at least get one good shot. We wanted a little proof of where we had been.

Money $hot!!

2 pit stops, some old school ice cream, snickers, Cheetos, and three and a half hours later, we made it to our chilly spring break destination. And when I say chilly, I mean I was not looking forward to taking my 3year old ball of adrenaline to an indoor water park. I was ready to order some small town no name pizza, turn up the heat in the hotel room, and call it a nizzight-

But Harrison had been sitting in the backseat of GreenGoo (our silver hybrid lame-Obile) asking for 3 straight hours, "Are we going to the swimming pool daddy?"

So we put our swimsuits on...

..and headed over to the water park.

We arrived at the park. Walked in, and  guess who froze up like we were playing a good 'ol game of red light green light? You guessed it.

Take notice of his progressive disinterested look.

Ok..We're lookin' pretty good here.

Even got his toes a little wet.

Not....quite...that interested anymore.

Clearly ready to go.

Stick a fork in him. He's done.

So we hopped back on the shuttle, realizing that this idea was way too much for the little guy. 

The next couple of days were a blast!

And we were all together.

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  1. Hilarious. So you only went to the pool once?

    1. No. We went the next day. Jenn and I took turns on the slides, and they even had a water roller coaster. HD just stood by enjoying watching everyone else. He was happy, so we were happy.


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